Grab your hat and boots and put on our best western wear folks, the time is fast approaching for the first annual Kimball Ranch Rodeo to be held June 13 at the Kimball County Fairgrounds. The birth of the Kimball Ranch Rodeo started with the exchange of dialogue between Doug Provance and Alex Engstrom. The two were sitting on the back of a pick-up truck during the Kimball Rodeo last fall having a simple conversation when one of them suggested hosting a rodeo. Not a rodeo that would compete with the Kimball Rodeo, instead one that would give the people of Kimball something different to experience. The fact that there are excellent facilities at the fairgrounds sitting idle for the majority of the year helped to prompt them to agree that having a ranch rodeo was a heck of an idea, they started to look into it. A board was formed and soon, meetings were held to discuss just how this would be pulled off. Time was spent on the road traveling to other ranch rodeos and consulting was done with other ranch rodeo committees. Eventually the board was able to agree on a set of rules, events, prizes, and the number of teams allowed to be in it. But more importantly, they were able to define what the Kimball Ranch Rodeo is. Before they could do that though, they needed to understand what a Ranch Rodeo is. So too does anyone who attends."A ranch rodeo is a traditional rodeo," said Provance.Traditional in the sense that the rodeo can be traced back to 1882 and William F. (Buffalo Bill) Cody. Cody held the very first Ranch Rodeo there. His idea was to make the competition ranch verses ranch. With prizes going to the best ranch.That is the spirit of what is the modern day ranch rodeo. Provance said they (the board) has selected five events that the teams will compete in. The teams consist of four to five members with one alternate. The events will include saddle bronc riding, trailer loading, wild cow milking, doctoring and branding, and team tying.Provance said that there are strict rules governing the safety of the animals. In fact, he said, the branding will not be done with a hot iron. Instead, it will be done with paint or chalk."They will use a branding iron but it will not be hot," he said. With the concept of a ranch rodeo understood, the board then needed to get use of the Kimball facilities, seek sponsorship, find livestock, decide on a cost, and all the other little details that must go into hosting an event of this magnitude. So they did.Hours have been spent since November finding everything they need. The went before the Kimball County Ag Board and got permission to use the facility."The ag society has been very supportive of us," said Provance.They talked with the Kimball County Tourism Committee and again were well received.They talked until they were blue in the face with anyone who might be interested in hearing what a ranch rodeo is and when it is going to be held. But all the talking in the world does you no good unless you have teams to field. So the board designed posters with the help of The Ink Works and set about putting them up. Everywhere that they thought someone might be interested in participating they hung a poster. If they knew of someone traveling outside the panhandle area, they would ask them to hang a poster somewhere.Then they waited. But they didn't have to wait too long."Within four days we started getting calls," said Provance. Provance said they have received calls from interested teams in Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Montana, and South Dakota. With room for just ten teams, he suspects that the roster will fill quickly."The extra teams will be put on a waiting list," he said, "That way if a team drops out the is another team ready to take its spot."So far there is four confirmed teams. The prize for the top point getters, is a cash purse and custom made buckles. As for sponsorship there is still some work to be done there. There has been some nibbles of interest but nothing concrete yet.The rodeo is set to get underway at 7 p.m. on June 13. Before the rodeo begins, there will be a business expo. The board is encouraging businesses to come in and set up their booths to show off their wares. They aren't asking for any money to set up, but they do recommend a donation to fund next year's rodeo. The donation amount is up to the business. During the expo, the board is encouraging the rodeo teams to mingle with the crowd. Keeping to the thought that they want this to be for everyone, they plan to have a roping area set up for the cowboys to teach children how to rope.Oh and the cost to get into the expo? Well, Provance said the board has decided to keep it inclusive. Therefore when you first enter you will receive a ticket that is for both the expo and the rodeo."We aren't in this to make money," said Provance, "we are doing this to provide the people of Kimball with something to do."In other words, Get off the couch, get outside, and come to the ranch rodeo, June 13.