Residents of Bushnell are using the collapse of one project to help fund projects that will bring people into Bushnell. The Bushnell Library was created as a way for Bushnell residents to share the books that they had collecting dust in their homes.“We had donations from people in Bushnell, Kimball, and Pine Bluffs,” said Jeanne Laboray, one of the sparkplugs of the library project. Originally the library was open a limited number of hours of the day. The set schedule may have deterred some users but Laboray said they found a way around that.“All people would have to do was call one of us and we would come down and let them in,” she said. The library did well enough in the beginning but soon the luster faded and less and less people were using it. So now the citizens of Bushnell have found themselves with a large amount of books in a room that is getting no use. So they have decided to have a book sale.“Our goal is to get these books back into circulation,” said Laboray. With a huge effort from volunteers, the books have been catalogued, checked, and priced in preparation of the sale. “All of the books are moderately priced are goal is to get them back into the public,” said Laboray. The subject matter of the books dip into all genres and include reference material.“We have some beautiful encyclopedias that will be for sale,” she said. Laboray estimates that some of the books might hold some value to collectors. The funds from the sale will go to the community center in Bushnell to help host community events. Events that Laboray, and many residents of Bushnell hope, will bring people into Bushnell.The sale is scheduled for Friday from 3-7 p.m.