The City Council meeting started out in a routine manner at 6 p.m. on May 6 with all Council members present.Council approved a manual for operation of the swimming pool, along with changes in operating hours and prices for the pool. They heard a report on status of  the Arboretum and gave the Ag Board approval to put up a fence in a northeast area at the Fair Grounds.Then council opened the meeting for public comment on the proposed Phase II annexation issue.Steve Diemoz produced a court document which he said prevented his property from being taken into the city. City Attorney Darrel Huenergardt said he would research a petition referenced in the document before expressing any opinion.John Thacker said the annexation would discourage people who might move to the Kimball area to enjoy rural living. Brandon Marshall said he did not want to pay city taxes on land that would not be developed.Rick Perry said he thought the city is putting the cart before the horse because plans for extending utilities and costs to extend them are not known. Ann Perry asked if the city has the graders necessary to maintain the gravel roads that would be annexed - and if the roads were to be paved, who paid?Other property owners voiced objections to the proposed annexation. About 25 property owners were present at the meeting.Mayor Greg Dinges said the situation of utilities extended beyond city limits to some property owners is a mess  that had gone on for 50 years and it is time to straighten it out.Council member James Schnell said he thought more planning was necessary and that is why he and Council member Ann Warner had put an item on the meeting agenda to discuss policies, procedures and plans for the code section dealing with annexation. Their agenda item also included discussion on utilities plus the proposed underpass project.Warner stressed the need to have plans and policy in writing.Council decided to hold a joint meeting with the Board of Public Works to solidifyplans, costs and payment  responsibility for matters relating to annexation.No first reading of Ordinance 650, the Phase II ordinance, was made. Council did pass Ordinance 651, the “No Smoking in City Buildings or Vehicles” ordinance. The three readings were waived and the ordinance is effective when published. Publication and effective date is May 14.In discussions concerning the Underpass Project, City Administrator Harold Farrar said grant funding would be jeopardized if bids were not opened in compliance with some new state regulations.Council members Schnell, Warner and Baliman said they had heard many comments from constituents that project cost is too high. The possibility of doing the work in house was discussed. City Administrator Harold Farrar said UPRR required that anyone working on such a project on UPRR right-of-way had to have special training and UPRR permission.Farrar will determine if refunding some engineering costs to the state will be required if the grant is now rejected by the city. Any action on the underpass will proceed from  that point.Council decided to make no change in the $25,000 spending authority of the Board of Public Works.Five students from Potter-Dix High School’s government class attended the annexation discussion and went back to Potter with plenty to report.Council adjourned at 9:02 p.m. with next meeting scheduled for May 20.