Flu shots will be available to the public at a clinic held at Mary Lynch Elementary School from 7 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19.Walk-in patrons should enter the school through either of the doors on the far west end of the school building. These doors open into the gymnasium where the flu shots are being administered. Drive-thru service will be available at the Fair Grounds. Enter the Fair Grounds through the gateway on Sixth Street and follow directions and markings. Citizens with mobility problems are urged to use the drive-thru service.Cost of the flu shot is $15, cash or check.Medicare cardholders can show their card and Medicare will be billed.  Medicare cardholders do not have to pay up front.Neither Medicare Advantage nor any other type of insurance will be honored in payment for the flu shot at the clinic.Employers providing the shots for employees can do it using vouchers. Call Pennie Anderson at 235-1952 x 256 to obtain the vouchers. Anderson is Kimball Health Service’s Community Health & Wellness Coordinator.Linda Price is KHS Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. Price said, “Our goal is to give a large number of people a flu shot in a short period of time, similar to what would be needed in an emergency situation.”The clinic is moved to a different location each year to give the KHS staff experience in setting up quickly and working in unfamiliar surroundings.The drive-thru portion of last year’s clinic left room for improvement and the KHS staff has taken steps to eliminate the rough spots.Cyndie Cramer, RN, Infectious Prevention Nurse, said the number of doses available for the program is limited. Citizens are urged to take advantage of the Sept. 19 clinic.The immunizations are for normal flu. There have been a case or two in the Kimball area already this season.This clinic will not be giving shots for H1N1 type flu, commonly called “Swine Flu.”The Swine Flu vaccine is not expected to be available before late October.Participants are encouraged to eat a normal breakfast on the 19th and come to the clinic rain or shine.