Do you know who the mayor is? How about the police chief? Can you name someone that works at the Western Nebraska Observer? If so, then you might just do pretty well at the Homteown USA board game, Kimball edition available through the Chamber of Commerce.The game is a classic board game with questions pertaining to Kimball and squares sponsored by Kimball businesses. Rod Horton, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce said that each square of the game has a symbol on it that represents the type of questions to be asked. The subjects are health, education, bible and patriotic.“There are some squares that you have to answer questions about Kimball,” Horton said. Horton has displayed the game to several people and what he has found so far is that kids love it. The game is recommended for ages 8 to adult and can have up to 8 players playing. As a side deal, within the game there are coupons and discounts for some of the businesses represented on the board. The game is currently available for purchase at the Chamber office, The Western Nebraska Observer, Hometown Hardware, Bemis Drug, Main Street Market, Carol’s Nut List and Timely Creations Flowers and Gifts. It is on display at the Chamber, the Observer, FirsTier Bank and First National Bank. Horton said the games are a fundraiser for the chamber of commerce. Those funds help the chamber to promote community activities and Kimball and Banner counties.  On a larger scale the games are part of the huge birthday celebration of the city. Next year marks the cities 125th birthday and events will be scheduled throughout the celebration.