Planting a garden in the front yard to make a home more appealing is a good idea, but if the entrance past that garden is hazardous, wouldn't the time and money be better spent ensuring safety?

This issue is similar to the park and recreation board seeking and using funds to complete an automatic irrigation system to improve the look of the ball fields while access to those fields can be treacherous.

We agree that greener grasses are more appealing and that a more appealing ball field adds to the appeal of the recreation area as a whole. We also believe safety of the players and patrons alike is just as important.

Jeremy Williams explains that the grounds of the ball fields are the first thing a driver sees when heading to the Four Winds Golf Course or Mulligans Steakhouse.

He adds that if they see a well maintained area, they are more likely to return to the area in the future, and we agree that return visits are necessary.

But if they see the beautiful green grass and well maintained fields they may choose to watch a little league, adult co-ed softball, or soccer game. Shouldn't they have a safe walk way to the fields?

Access from the east end, which offers handicapped parking, is safer than that on the west end, but the entrance needs lighting to show the path.

On the west end of the parking the steps leading down to the fields are about 50 feet away from the nearest parking space, making them inconvenient in placement.

The steps are in good condition, with the exception of the first step being raised so one must actually step over it to get down the flight.

A hand rail was added to the west end steps after a fall during soccer season in 2010, but other improvements are needed on that end as well.

The west entrance would benefit from lighting also, if for no other reason than to draw attention to the fact that steps are there. A walkway to the flight would also be an improvement as would removing the chain barrier one must step over to walk in that direction.

Perhaps one of the most difficult entrances is in an unlikely spot, and may not have been intended as an entrance at all.

There is a break in the middle of the outfield fence on the southeast field that has commonly been used as an entrance into the park, however, this leads directly into that outfield.

Instead, we might suggest a second set of steps leading down to the fence and a walkway leading around that field to both of the other entrances.

With a limited budget, we understand these improvements may come slowly or even one at a time, but they are needed.

The park and recreation board recently asked for $6000 in Keno money to complete the automatic irrigation system project at the ball fields and we are happy to report they received $3000 towards that goal.

We hope that once this project is finished access into the park is made safer, so all may enjoy our sports complex.