We’re getting ready for Bushnell Days! Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 20th. The Lions Club is putting together a pancake breakfast at the fire hall from 7:30-9:30 AM. Proceeds will go towards fixing up the public restrooms in the park. The parade will start at 10 AM in front of the bookstore – the route will be posted at the village office and the post office. We plan to have a few antique tractors, a lawnmower brigade, a Veterans Honor Guard, and more – please contact Jamie if you’d like to be in the parade. That will be followed by entertainment in the park at 11 AM, with Tim and Deb Nolting performing cowboy poetry and music. We hope to have a few other performers as well, but they’re not set in stone yet…so stay tuned! Larry Hottell is going to offer pulled pork sandwiches at the fire hall for lunch, but he needs people to help serve the food – please contact Jamie if you’d like to volunteer. We decided to really celebrate the history of our community this year, so Deb Carpenter-Nolting is putting together a panel of folks who either grew up in Bushnell or have lived in the area for a significant amount of time. They will share some of their memories of the town and reminisce about days past at 2 PM in the bookstore. The third Saturday of the month is normally our “Family Night” at the community center, so we’re just opening it up to the public for Bushnell Days. Please bring a dish to share if you’d like to join in the supper at 6 PM. And we plan to hold a dance at the community center after dinner. Throughout the day you can visit vendor booths in the park and community center (we’re looking for more vendors – contact Jamie if you’re interested), enter to win raffle items (we have several fabulous prizes, including $50 from each of the Kimball banks!), shop at the secondhand store and the bookstore, take a self-guided tour of the Nebraska high point and three corners marker (maps will be available), and play a variety of games at the community center, park, and bookstore. It’s also a good day for a community-wide garage sale, so all of you Bushnell folks should start cleaning out your closets!